I have a family member who is going crazy. He thinks that everybody is out to get him and that there is a big conspiracy directed towards him. He recently left his wife for another girl, who is a friend of my wife, and when the other girl repeatedly rejected him, he created this huge network of conspirators, and, all of a sudden, everyone pressured him to leave his wife, and the other girl was using him the whole time. He is having problems at work, and was mad that a coworkers wasnt acting civil to him. Then that coworker found out that my friend didn't appreciate the coworkers 'uncivilness', and he stopped. Now my friend is furious that the coworkers isn't being uncivil towards him. Now he is convinced that his whole life is a mess, and that 'they' have ruined it all for him. Everything anyone says to him is scrutinized, and I can't even say 'hi' to him without having a motive. My friend has never had a history of violence, but he has access to guns, and now he is making comments like "i feel like climbing a tower and shooting people". His mother suffered from skitzophrenia and was hospitalized several times for it. I am terrified of getting him some help, for fear of him acting normal, the doctors releasing him, then he go off the deep end and shooting everyone for 'plotting' against him. But I am also terrified of him snapping one day and shooting us anyway. Last night, people were shooting off fireworks, and my friend was convinced that they were guns, even though the huge green and purple lights in the sky proved otherwise. My friend sat guard with a shotgun in his lap until 2;30 in the morning, until he finally admitted they were fireworks. He is convinced that nothing is his fault, and is constantly blame-shifting, and sometimes his conspiracy theories are completely ridiculous. Even with blatant proof to the contrary, like with the fireworks, he insists, people are plotting against him, and that he is the victim in every situation, and he becomes furious if anyone tries to talk sense to him. What should I do? I'm worried for my friend, and scared for the lives of everyone close to him.