... on circle is it normal after getting her tail dock please let me know if its normal because this is my first time have a puppy tail dock how asacly she should react after getting. Her tail cut i think she's. In pain or something cause lookin at her try to walk and start goin on circles please help me i dnt knw what to do
Answers (1)
It is not normal for a dog to have its tail cut off. The tail is the main sense of balance. At 2 1/2 years old it is equivalent to a grown woman getting one foot cut off. That is why your poor dog doesn't want to walk, and is extremely clumsy when she does. Now you have a crippled dog until she relearns the sense of balance.
After reading your post about your tail docking of your Yorkie puppy, it was hard to determine the age of your dog, Is he 2 and a half years old , 2 and a half months old or two and a half weeks old. Next week I am getting my 13 week old Yorkie docked, because the breader failed to do so , and this is how the breed should be representative . The prior comment you received was very insensitive, especially if you are a very excited first time Yorkie owner, it will take you time to become informed. It sounds like you are very caring , and you will become a responsible owner. Love him , he will get through this With minimal pain.