... sense I don't even know if I would consider it a nightmare. Okay here goes, I was dreaming I had a sudden illness thta caused me to die, but my soul was trapped in my body and for some reason I knew in two weeks I would depart from my body. As the dream went on I became very saddened and panicked knowing my time was coming to an end. Though I had control over my body, it began to break down such decay, but every time I looked at a mirror I barely see myself. I visited my grandparents and told them I had died and I was leaving forever. I stopped at all my family members and friends houses telling them the same. They all became very upset over it. The dream was dark in a symbolic and literal way. During the night I woke up twice in tears and once screaming. Every time I would end up back in the dream at the point I left it which weird because I didn't even know that was possible. It felt extremely real and very ominous. if its possible to interprete please do so. I feel as if it meant something, but I could grasp the understanding of it since it was so emotional