I got into a car accident just yesterday and I called my car insurance and I found out that my Insurance is not active I guess a lack of payment that wasn't took them out of my bank account last month. Last month I also put a claim on my bank account because I had an unclean purchase that I did not purchase so of course I forgot to make the arrangements of my payments and that was including my car insurance. Now yesterday I got into a car accident. Calling my car insurance company trying to make a claim and they're saying that it's not active I already said that but the worst part is that now my car is totaled and it in a towing lot can I get my stuff out of my car get whatever is valuable and just total it or just junk it and what do I do because now I don't have a car insurance and I have to pay for the damages to the other vehicle but what do I go from there. I'm still in a little pain the accident occurred yesterday I'm in home resting I'm also six months pregnant and I'm trying to figure out what to do