I'm 21 years old. For the past few years, I've noticed how my physical senses, especially touch and taste, have became weaker than before. I feel less stimulated when doing things that involve those senses. For example, I remembered my first few kisses with an old flame. I could feel her lips on mine, the warmth and smoothness as we shared that intimate moment. My head would feel giddy with happiness and comfort. But now, even a kiss on someone's cheek doesn't recreate those feelings (at least, not as intense as they used to be). When it comes to taste, I remember enjoying a glass of chocolate milk like it was the best thing on Earth. Now, while I still do love drinking milk and other malty beverages, it just doesn't feel as refreshing or satisfying.

To add, even listening to music doesn't stimulate my senses and happiness as it used to. Back then, I could feel every part of my body wanting to follow the rhythm of the beat, and how sometimes my mind would visualize fictional scenes along with the song. Now, while it does happen, it isn't as enjoyable of an act as it was before.

I hope this is detailed enough. I missed enjoying anything intensely. From kisses to munching on a sweet, crunchy apple. To hugging a friend who means a lot to you, to feeling that incredible sense of achievement when you've accomplished something (like finishing a well-written novel, or after watching an incredibly thought-provoking film, or running a mile longer than your usual routine). I miss having those intense feelings.

Hope someone who reads this has answers to them. Would greatly appreciate any that's given with respect.