I dont want to go out....

im going out tonight into town to a nightclub but i dont really want too. in truth im only going to be social and i dont have enough nights out like this really. problem is im going with 2 freinds i know who are ok n all but i wouldnt consider them my greatest freinds and i dont really have anything to say to them, theres going to be people there who know my freinds but i dont know them, so ile probably just sit most of the time doing nothing. i wish i was the sort of person who could see a girl and approach her and have a good conversation and that and exchange numbers but im just not one of those people. like i said i usually dont have anything to say to my freinds so when it comes to a stranger im fucked. last time i had a night out with freinds was just over a month ago and it was a crap night and it was at the same place im going tonight. if i stay at home ile just be bored anyway but if i do go out ile be out of my comfort zone really so im sort of stuck and dont know what to do. im 18 years old now and these are the supposed to be the best days of my life but to be honest id rather just stay home eat have a few beers and watch tv. but im scared that if i dont go out with my freinds enough they will loose intrest in me and ile end up freindless and spending all my time in my room watching tv and on the computer bored to fuck like my brother. i dont know what to do im a naturally shy quiet person who feels comfertable at home but sort of feels depressed becuase im not out like the other teenagers having a life, but when it comes to actually going out i never seem to want to and i dont really enjoy myself as much becuase i dont really want to be there. im fucked.