I am very sorry that this is so long but I need help and this is very complicated to explain. Ok, so there is this guy that I know and I've known him for a VERY long time. But I've never really liked him. At first he used to piss me off and I used to litteraly hate him. But then my bestfreind "fell in love with him" and "she is sure he's the one" and etc. I guess that while me and her talked about him so much I started liking him also but at the same time not. (I did tell her that I thought that I might like him and I guess she was ok with that but that's not the point) the point is is that for about half of a year he has been the ONLY thing on my mind. Like I wake up think of him. Go to sleep think of him. And he is VERY attractive like no joke. So for a week we both volonteered at a church for their little camp thing. It was for five days for a couple of hours. And I can't drive so he gave me a ride the whole time. There and back. It was a hour long drive (there and back together) and I guess that we bonded. But to be honest I don't have feelings for the guy. When our hands accidentally touch I don't get "butterflies" or nervous. When we catch glances I don't get butterflies. But when it all happened a that's the only thing on my mind. And I can't get it out. He's the only thing I think of. To be honest every time I go somewhere and I know I'll see him I have this urge to look the best I can be and act the best Ivan when he's around (lol and when he's not I don't care) but yeah.
So long story short. I have no feelings (or butterflies should I say) for the guy but he's the only thing on my mind for almost half of a year and he's showing signs that he likes me also and my other delema is tha what if he asks me to be in a relationship with him what would I say if I still don't understand what I'm feeling towards him? Sorry thing is so long but please help. This has been killing me for SO LONG. no one knows so I can't talk to ANYONE about this or even him.