My mom suffers from depression and i live with both my parents my mom and dad and my brother. My mom started yelling at me really bad in january. I hate being yelled at i cant deal with it she NEVER yells at my brother saying its always me who makes her mad and that my brother never does anything. I cry every time she yells at me and when we went to the doctor yesterday i had to get a note for missing school. She walked up there but walked back and told me to get the note myself i was already crying. I walked up there crying got my note and asked to speak to the doctor. I was crying so hard and she has called me a witch today who doesn't care about her. She told me i was lucky that she bought me a bag of chips today (which i never asked for). She said she will take everything from me but my clothes and food and water and books. I will only be allowed to go to school and nothing else she has made me a prisoner. I don't want to be around her anymore i am ashamed to call her my mother. I am already a shaky person from one of my schools where i was bullied for 3 years. I cried myself to sleep every night. I don't even want to come home anymore because she treats me and reminds me so so much of the kids from my old school i can just see all the hate for me in her eyes. She had made me shake worse and has made my anxiety rocket. She says i will get over it. She says i did all this stuff to her I NEVER DID. I just wanna have a happy life i have years left of living with this lady before i can ever leave. Im crying now i just wanted somebody to talk to.