... extremely healthy... however I am always very anxious. To the point where I worry myself sick. I worry myself until I am unable to sleep or eat. So I'm extremely tired most of the time being a mother of 2 young boys naps aren't even a thought. Just recently I've been getting random dizzy spells... sometimes where I kind of like black out... my head will spin, my entire body will tingle, I lose all sight and fall down. I'm not sure if it's a connection to my concern or not. I have anxiety constantly (which is a lifelong issue for me) I have always been an extreme nail biter. I bite them until they bleed and then I start on the skin around my nails.. when I was little I even bit my toenails... but worse when all my nails are gone and my bleeding numbs are sore from the non stop chewing...I start the wonderful picking at myself. Ive always picked scabs, ant bites, or other visible things since I a child. I noticed it was getting worse and more frequent in my teens... and now unfortunately the picking is beyond disgusting. To be completely honest it's uncontrollable. I feel my skin for anything and every little thing that doesn't feel 100% smooth and will pick it until it's a huge sore. I look all over and I find tiny imperfections that probably no one else can to pick. I HAVE to squeeze at it or scratch it. I'm to the point where I'm not only doing this when I'm anxious anymore, but all the time....even in my sleep. Although its always been the worse when I'm anxious upset or mad. I can stare into the mirror tearing into face trying to get out whatever I think is on my skin , all the while thinking to myself and telling myself "this is really painful" or "there's nothing there just stop" and I am literally unable to pull away... and the rare times I can pry my eyes off reflection... I will just continue to pick at it with no mirror. To make things even worse, it's not just my face I'm picking.. it's anything I see or feel on any part of my body. I am so extremely bad about it I will use tools like tweezers, and knives. I dig into my pick spots to get "it" all out. It's so frustrating because I am fully aware that theres nothing there yet, I have the need to get something out and when I actually do get something which is next to never the feeling of popping or squeezing it out is extremely... I don't know if this is weird but I guess satisfying for me? I feel like I have just become an addict of picking at myself. My family is always bitching at me for doing it, they've told me things like, "stop picking you're ruining your beautiful face" and "oh my gosh what are all those bites/sores all over the back of your legs" ((That's one of my worst picking areas, and I have to agree it is awful to look at