About a three years ago i was talking to my friend and we were talking about all of our teachers and she could remember all of her teachers. When it was my turn to recall my teachers i stopped at my second grade, I have no idea who my second grade teacher is and i vaguely remember my first grade teacher. I didn't give much thought into this until now. I remember bits and pieces of the age of 5-6 but not much, I don't remember friends, birthdays, or even holidays. When i look at photos i can sometimes remember when the photo was taken but nothing more. I told my best friend this and she suggested i might have had a traumatic experience and my mind somehow blocked it out. So I asked my mom and sister but they both said nothing happened. It worries me sometimes that i can't recall nearly two years of my life. I don't remember having a bad childhood. I wasn't rainbows and sunshine but it wasn't the worst. I've tried re-jogging my memory but nothing comes back. This keeps me up at night. Is this normal? Please help with any insight.