im having a problem , i can't get a girlfriend , i really don't know why , im 21 years old and i never had girlfriend before , by the way im short (about 5.41 feet ) .
i do have a self-confidence in me and im realistic person , and know that if i want a beautiful and nice girl then im sure that any girl wanna have a handsome and no-short man
plzz help
and srry for my bad english
I can't get a girlfriend?
Responses (5)
well be clean and help other old ladies cross the street they will appericate it in a big city respect the girls u past if u have never had 1 it nearly impossiable to get 1 some might be marry, dating, having a relationship with another guy so talk to a random aged perfectionist thinker girl start chatting.
Plenty of shorter girls out there who would find you perfect height! Don't try so hard. Join some singles clubs, or get social and active in your area to increase your chances of meeting someone! keep a positive attitude, and give yourself time! At 21, you are far from 'over the hill'! Best of luck!
Dude all you need to do is to act like yourself but kinda nicer than when you think the time is right ask her or express your feelings towards her matters how she acts. By the way if somebody else likes the girl you like don't compete with them the girls don't like that and if they seem they like it it's because they want to use you.