I attempted to overdose over two weeks ago. I'm fourteen years old and in therapy. My mum doesn't know however my boyfriends mum found out. I feel stable and like I can progress by my own. I don't think my mums boyfriend would tell my mum as she thinks my mum knows but there's still a possiblility.
Should I tell my mum? If so, how should I? Has anyone else?
I attempted suicide about two weeks ago. Should I tell my mum?
Responses (6)
Do you think she will hate me?
The best thing to do is tell a family member one that you think will understand you the best at least tell them what's the problem before you tell them that you tried to commit suerside maybe they can help you try get over ur problems so u don't feel like this again
I have been in your situation before. I will tell you I am 14, and I have gone to therapy before. It only helps certain people. But for now if I were you, tell the person you go to when you are going to therapy and tell them what happened. Explain to them why you wanted to do it and they might be able to help you. Telling your mom may be stressful on her and you. It could also effect how she see's you and what she thinks of you. So like I said before, talk to whoever your going to.
Yes I think you should tell her, but maybe try an aunt or someone you know that knows her well. When I'm angry with my mum ( which is not that often) but I ring my aunt and tell her why I'm angry and what I think of her right that moment, because she knows her and how to handle her. She also knows how to tell her in a calm way in which we can both compromise. Good luck xx