through her- pam died 1 1/2 yrs. ago- for approx. 9 months after he death I kept in contact me-her older sister called me occasionally- my main complaint is that her family would call me to ask for $ to pay for pams funeral- I did spend $600 for her funeral soon after her death -feel this was a nice gesture for me to make as her friend/not a family member-

pams older sister/I would talk occasionally-however it began to bother me that she would continue to ask me for $-I do not want be rude/feel guilty when I tell her I am unable to give her more $ towards the cost of pams burial--I am trying to move on-do what I I can to make a happier life for myself and not dwell on the past-it does make me feel odd to./depressed to be with her family without pam- am I wrong?