I am 20 years old and am a white light haired, blue eyed female. I grew up in the Northern area of America, but my family would go to warm places like Hawaii every school break growing up and I literally spent every waking minute of each summer outside in the sun. I tan much easier than my mom and sister and have never pealed (I just turn really dark). That being said, from ages 12-20, I Never wore sunscreen, even when I was outside all day. I am suddenly very hyper-aware of aging and am so scared that I'm going to start getting wrinkles at a young age. My dad aged very well, but my mom has a lot of wrinkles, and I have more dry skin like she does, yet I also tan like my dad does and my skin isn't quite as fair as hers. I can already see a few very faint lines under my eyes, but my mom tells me I'm being paranoid. If I start being really conscientious about it now and protect myself very well, do you think it's too late? My mom has reassured me that most people don't start being aware of this until around 30 or later, and never as much as I am, but I just am scared that it's too late. I wish I could go back in time and not spend ten hours a day in the sun.

(A few other facts: I am very active and exercise a lot and drink a lot of water, which I know are good things. I also party a lot but have never smoked a cigarette. Finally, these last few months, I have been wearing sunscreen every day and trying to avoid the sun much more and have been wearing sunglasses when I go outside.

Thank you!