... grandparents business for almost 17 years. The business is slowly coming to a halt and we are facing closure. My husband has found a new system and method to keep the doors open for my family and they are going to go forth with this method and just have one person working (my mother) until clientele is built back up.

Well I feel like I’m picked to choose but my husband wants to take this same new system and start his very own company just like the company my family owns so it can provide income for me. I will work it alone until he build up clientele for his company (the exact same company as my family’s). I feel like I’m going behind my family’s back and taking away from the potential of the old family business growing... he feels like I’m choosing my family over mu husband and children and providing a living.

I just don’t know why he can’t build clientele for the old family cuisines and us all prosper together... am I wrong? Is he wrong ?