... to do gluten free (sweet) muffins first make sure everything is clean and rinsed like bowls and equipment before making the mix etc etc..then do all the other muffin (hi-fibre...choc chip, blueberry etc) then got told when all other muffins are done to do gluten free savoury and put in oven last and of course on top tray in oven if any of the other muffins are still in oven. So my question is why can't I put both gluten free savoury and gluten free sweet in at the same time? Separate muffin tins obviously ? Trainers have left and I feel stupid to ring them and ask them. Also does anyone know why they was calling the blue plastic scraper a bakers friend? I used to bake bread and have never heard anyone call it a bakers friend. Thank you for your time :)