This is a long story and i need to help for me being so worried. I had unprotected sex with someone about 3 months ago. About 10 days later my lymph notes in my neck were swollen but i realized that when i went to the docs that day. I was going there cause i had a UTI and i took antibiotics. I went there to see if the antibiotics worked for my UTI.( i took Bactrim) The doctor saw my swollen lymph notes and ran tests for Mono and strep throat. That night i had a fever for one night and the next morning i found a sore on my vagina. it was tender :/. I kept thinking i had genital herpes at the time. I was so stressed out i couldn't eat or anything. It went away in a few days. About a week later i was congested. I had a runny nose and i kept blowing it all the time. Finally the test came back and it was positive for mono. The doctor said they did a mono spot test and they also did a better test then that. I was feeling very itchy then and about a month ago i found out the reason i was itchy was because i had scabies. Eventually a lot of my symptoms were going away but a month later 2 more sores were on my vagina but they are painless. I still had scabies but didn't know it. I went to the docs to test for herpes but it came out negative. I was relieved but confused as well. Now two months since then i still have those sores on vagina. I am just so confused. I just need help. I keep thinking i have HIV cause i heard HIV can cause sores on genitals. is that true. I am like FREAKING out. i plan to get tested but i am terrified. The guy i slept with has a baby momma and he said he gets checked for stds occasionally and there was no reason for him to lie he says. can someone please help me out.:( Do you think i have hiv?? i am 17 btw
Responses (4)
Well YES...a compromised immune system can cause all kinds of havoc. But even if it is not HIV you need to find a doctor that cares and get you sorted out!
So if I was diagnosed with mono, HIV wouldn't be causing the symptoms? I got a test done and it was postive for mono, they said they did a better test then the mono spot test.
That is something you would need to discuss with a doctor...sorry
Alright, thanks anyway.
Proud of you!
dats very good of u. what is the result
You are doing the right thing.. seeking medical advice. Keep you appointments with your doctor. He is putting you through a series tests in order to determine what exactly you are suffering from. There are a lot of STD's, {sexual transmitted disease} which can effect all parts of the body and cause swelling, fever, sores etc. there is only one person who can determine, conclude whether or not you have HIV and that is your doctor. Go back to him and tell him of these sores that you have and he will carry out further tests. If you are unhappy with your doctor then ask him to refer you to your local hospital that will have specialist clinics that deal with STD problems. Never trust a new boyfriend who may smile at you and tell you that he is regularly checked. He may well be, but, the woman he was with the night before he had sex with you may have transmitted a disease to him that he has passed onto you!!! With a new boyfriend.. always insist that he uses a condom. You are now suffering the consequences of unprotected sex with a guy that you can't trust!!! Be warned! Don't make that silly mistake again!!!
I got tested and my worst fear is that us going to be postive. I had mono but the sore didn't match up with mono. Do you think that my immune system was so down it could cause a sore? I am just really worried.