It says in the bible no sex until marriage well is it ok if i do everything else besides actual intercoarse?
Answers (4)
Do you spend much of your waking hours day dreaming about the opposite sex? If so, you may feel that you’re at war with your own brain. Thoughts about sex may march into your mind like enemy soldiers. “These thoughts can consume you,” “They can make you take the long route to your car just to pass a cute girl or get you to walk down a store aisle when you don’t really need to just to take a closer look at someone.”Remember, though, that sexual feelings aren’t evil in themselves. After all, God created man and woman to have a strong attraction for each other, and satisfying sexual desire is proper within the marriage arrangement. While you’re still single, you may experience intense sexual urges. If that happens, don’t think that you’re inherently bad or that you’re just not cut out for moral cleanness. You can be chaste if you choose to be! But being successful at your endeavor will require that you keep thoughts about the opposite sex under control. How can you do that?
Examine your associates. If your classmates start to talk about immoral sex, you might be tempted to join in—just so you don’t stand out as different. Really, though, this will only make it more difficult for you to control your thoughts. What should you do—just get up and leave? Certainly, and you need not feel awkward about doing so! Often you can find a way to leave without appearing self-righteous and inviting ridicule.
Shun immoral entertainment. Of course, not every movie or CD is bad. Still, much of today’s entertainment is designed to arouse improper sexual feelings. The Bible’s counsel? “Let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God’s fear.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) Steer clear of any entertainment that might stimulate immoral sexual desires.
The Problem of Masturbation. Some youths attempt to alleviate sexual arousal by means of masturbation. But serious problems can result from this. The Bible urges Christians: “Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness.” (Colossians 3:5) Masturbation is the very opposite of ‘deadening sexual appetite.’ Indeed, it stimulates and nurtures that appetite!
yeh i think it is ok without having the vaginal connection