... diploma not just certificates. I currently have a weighted GPA of 4.4 and I am in the top 10% of my graduating class of 381. Last I checked I was 17th, so actually top 5%. I got a 1240 out of 1600 on my first SAT, which I wasn't too impressed with, but I take it again next week as well as my ACT. I took Pre-IB classes in 9th and 10th grade and got all A's and 1 B. In my first year of full IB I got 4 A's and 4 B's, which is unusual for me but considering the rigorous courseload I figured this was acceptable. I am a Virginia resident, white male, and I was wondering what my chances were at getting into UVA, Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Clemson, the shools I am currently looking at. I am also in National Honor Society and BETA as well as run track and cross country. I am the President of our Young Republicans club too. I realize it is hard to determine my chances exactly without knowing other info, but based on what I provided what do you think are my chances? Any other good schools on the east coast I could get into fairy easily or at least be a good candidate for? Thank you!