My daughter was born nine months ago. Me and her mother got back togeather when she was 8 weeks old. I realized how controlling she was when if something didnt go her way she tell me leave dont come back. i realized how much she changed and munipulated me. Well at 6months of age we were still togeather and found out are daughter need open heart surgery do to asd and mitral cleft. They said they were low risk surgerys still it was open heart. Well the surgery was Sucsessfull. Three days later we had a whole different baby she was eating solids taking 6 oz and even took her bink for the first time andf fell in love with it. well all this time we have been back to geather weve fought and fought and fought. well after her surgery we split up. I asked surgeons what can and cant she do. the replied kinleys in a normal baby again she just cant lift 5 lbs for 6 weeks or be picked up by arms. Ok well i Cherish my daughter alls i want is to spend time with her. The mother no will only let me come visit her. shes always very mad angry and bitter. She Tells me she refuses to let me take her out of her house. she does all the time. i understand shes had a major operation but im her father i said well how bout 6 weeks i can begin to take her we can do it slowly. it been almost a month shes healier and stronger than a ox now i no how to care for her the moms even said she feels safest when she with me. now weve seperated and she only lets me see her when she has something to do so in other words ive been feeling like a baby sitter dont get me wrong its time with my daughter so ill taske it. but shes controlling everything i have no say as her father. i was thinking just a couple hours a few times a week just to bhuild a trust to show her something she already knows im capable of. my daughter lights up when she sees me her mom used to tell me ive never seen a infant stare at there daddy or act like that. i just need some advice i wouldnt dare go to court with intentions of bashing her shes a great mother in my eyes i just cant stand her trying to control when i come and go. i no the courts might favor the mothers but im to the point were at least id now and be able to plan things with her i have no felonies to troubles with the law.