I am 11 year old in fifth grade boy have crush on two girls. how to make them have a crush on me?

Answers (2)

You are too young to think about all this. I would advice you to concentrate on your studies.

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I agree with the other guy. You are two young to think about it. However if i were you don't go after both, that's just drama that you don't want to deal with, also don't use Axe or old spice or stuff like that to get them to like you. It doesn't work. still use deodorant though. never use pick-up lines. just don't. Also don't try to hard. But don't act cold to them. try connecting with them and try to help them with their problems. Never admit shes wrong even if she is. lastly, don't be afraid of rejection, it'll happen every now and then. p.s. since your i 5th grade it might not last long.

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