... appointment at a specialist to check for a heart murmur.
She said the experience really upset her as the male doctor told her to undress to her underwear (topless) and sit on the examination table. He then spent 10-15 min touching her over her whole body except under her pants and head. Chest, arms, legs bottom. At one point he was close to hugging her.
After a while she asked him what he was doing as it was making her feel really uncomfortable because it didn’t seem like a normal exam.
He suddenly stopped and told her that he was checking for ‘symmetry’.
The nurse then came in the room and he checked her heart with a sonogram.
I know that there can be a connection with heart problems and a lack of genetic symmetry in the body but this seems a weird way of checking for it.
We are close and so she has told me, but is too worried to tell our parents as she doesn’t want to upset them.
I can’t tell if it’s just embarrassment on her part about being naked in front of a man or if he really was doing something he shouldn’t have been doing. But now she is terrified about going back to this doctor.
Is that usual as I also don’t want to get him in trouble if he was just performing a normal exam on her? But I also don’t want her near him if he was actually touching her inappropriately?