As of now I am not very satisfied with my average at an 88%. This is mainly because I aspire to become a doctor when I am older. With that said, with my grades being so low, I would not be able to become a doctor (since I would need a 95%+ average). Therefore, I am turning for help to Yahoo Answers to ask what measures I should take to making that step from high 80s to high 90s?

Preferably, I would like to know (obviously, from personal experience) what you have to do to achieve, at very least, a 90% average (like how you would go about studying for any tests/assignments, how social are you as in how often do you hang out with friends, play sports if any, etc).

What stresses me out most, is all the fact that most of my friends all have 95%+ averages when they clearly don't put in nearly as much time and effort into their work as I do.

Just in case your wondering, I am in currently in the middle of Grade 10 and last semester I got 90% in careers, 88% in civics, 90% in physical education, 87% in science, and 83% in history with the other courses that I am taking this semester being math, English, French, and computer science. In Grade 9, I got a 91% in math, 78% in English (ugh), 87% in science, 94% in French, 87% in geography, 86% in music, 92% in repertoire, 85% in gym, and 91% in business which averages to, yet another, 88%.

Thanks in advance, I greatly appreciate your time to respond.