Ok so here's the thing, 4 years ago I was hit by a car. the car snapped strait through my tibia fibia, broke my growthplate (resulting 1.5cm diiference in growth)crushed my ankle and the greating of the road on my leg wore all my muscle down and so surgeons did a semi-rotational flap with an ending result of me having a big V like crevace. But because one leg differs in height it's causing my hips to be on a sligth tilt and apparently my tibia didn't mend properly so it's starting to roll my ankle and this is going to be 1st operation since 4 years and they want to rebrake my leg but the question is how or what instruments do the surgeons do to break a bone? and they are also going to be taking some bone out from my hip and placing it in my leg will this be noticeable and hurt like alot..?!