How were Christians and Jews treated in Cordoba?

Answers (1)

Córdoba, a city in the Andalusian region of southern Spain. The city has a strong Moorish-Arabic tradition due to centuries of occupation by the Moors.
The Spanish people basically are religious. Most of them believe in God, even if the majority have lost confidence in the priests. The Civil War that lasted from July 1936 to April 1939 cost more than a million Spanish lives. This huge death toll exposed all the bad fruitage of religion and politics, as both sides participated in acts of murder and vengeance. The Republican (Communist-Socialist-Liberal) side went about killing priests, nuns and officials loyal to the Church, whereas the National side (Army-backed Catholic Fascism) swept through the country killing those who were not loyal to the Roman Catholic Church. That Civil War left a scar that still is evident in the way the older generation reacts to the preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses who were severely persecuted even their children.
In spite of setbacks during those years of persecution of Jehovah Witnesses, it is encouraging to know that there are now four thriving congregations in Córdoba with about 350 publishers, and another eight congregations in the province, including one in Lucena, not far from the Los Lastres farm.
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