How to solve this math problem please? 12(2-x)-22x+1?

Answers (3)

12 (2 - x) - 22x + 1
The only "problem" inherently given by this term is simplifying it:
24 - 12x - 22x +1
-34x + 25.

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thank u

This is not a problem. There is no question without an equal sign. What you have here is a statement which you can simplify.

12(2 - x) - 22x + 1 Add spaces to improve readability.

24 - 12x - 22x + 1

-34x + 25

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thank you.

12(2 - x) - 22x + 1 .

24 - 12x - 22x + 1

-34x + 25

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