Me and my fiancé have been dating for 1 and 6 months. I broke up with him four months ago and he did all that he could to win me back. He did, he did everything you name it and this month has just been off. He works a lot! He works from 11 pm to 7 am and then he goes home and sleeps tell 8 pm. Then he's getting ready for work again.. and he does this 6 days a week. By no means am I complain about his work. Proud of him.. but what I'm not proud of is him pushing me away.. One day I came over and he was sleeping and I thought maybe I'll lay down with him so I asked him to turn over and hold me he said "I don't want too and then he proceed to say you can't make me do anything that I don't want to do. All I could say is wow. So at this point I feel the need distance myself cause I don't want to get hurt anymore. Or maybe I should stop texting him as much.. I want him to want me..I told myself that I would give it two weeks for him to notice that I'm not always at his house.. it's been three days and all he could day was I'll see you on thanksgiving. We're suppose to be getting married January 30th 2016. But at this point idk if I want to go through with it. We already put a lot of money into this wedding. Please give me some advice as that I love this man with all my heart but I will no longer be treated like this.