So, I'll try to make this short. I have been living in Los Angeles for about 4.5 years, and I have yet to make a decent group of friends. It's not that I haven't met people, cause I have met a lot of cool people and have hung out with them. But I have yet to make a group of friends that I chill with on a consistent basis

I feel that I am a very out going person, I love talking to people and going out. But I rarely get asked to go places or to chill. Everyone I have met already has their solid group of friends, so I feel that they either just forget about me. I'm not one to ask what someone is doing or if I can tag a long cause it makes me feel awkward.

I have joined flag football leagues to try and contribute to making friends, again I have met cool people, but still don't have a solid group of friends that I feel everyone around me has. I get a lonely feeling every once in a while, and it sucks.

Any advice on what I could do to make friends in my late 20's?