I lived in an apartment which was absolutely plagued by mice last year. And I mean, it was a full breeding ground for pests. I am petrified of them and they would scurry around my bedroom in particular as it was right next to the kitchen. Since moving out in June I have lived and worked abroad and have also spent a brief stint of time living in my parent's home. I moved into my new apartment today and am currently experiencing what I can only describe as being extreme paranoia over move getting into my new home. My old apartment was new and modern but was thrown up very quickly and was full of students. One of my flatmates in particular was a complete disaster when it came to house work. This served only to attract the pests and now that I'm living with new, cleaner flatmates I should be a lot calmer but instead I'm currently laying awake at three am scared out of my wits by the thought of mice or rats.

I've no idea how I can begin to conquer this fear as I had several bad experiences with the pests before. Are there any ways to put my mind at ease after having such a fright before?