(Okay prepare for a looooong story guys)

Last year in 4th grade I came to this school (because my parents got divorced and I moved) And when I came to this new school, and I saw this REALLY cute guy. So like after a month or 2 I finally got the guts to speak to him. And I did, so I wanted to impress him. So I did that by drawing a picture and giving it to the teacher cause my friends and family said I was quite the artist. And she showed the class since she was amazed with my artwork. (And no I'm not full of myself) And he came up to me and asked if I really did draw it, and of course I did. So ever side then we hung out and stuff. I started to give him drawings day by day. Trust me, his requests were a task! One day I asked him if I was really a good drawer since he kept on asking for drawings, and sure enough he said "Are you kidding me?!?!?!, their perfect!!!!" So not long after that I knew for sure I was in love. So one day I wrote a love letter to him asking him out. And I was really shy when it came to these things, so I slipped it into his pencil box, where I knew for sure he would find/see it. And he told my bestie to tell me that his answer was no. I was in total shock cause he acted like he kinda actually liked me. But then after a month or so we were at lunch and he apparently told his cousin that I gave him the love letter. And his cousins friends and some girls were talking about something then I suddenly heard "Well at least I didn't give my crush a letter like Adina did ( that's my name ), now that was bad, but at least the drawing was good ( I also drew him a drawing on the love letter )." As soon as I heard that I started to cry and my friend kept on asking why I was crying and I told her, the guy I liked tried to comfort me which kinda made me feel better then he said to his cousin " Andres, that was really mean!!!!!" And some of the kids and my crush started to call him Andrea, to make fun of him like he did to me. And another time my bestie and I got into a huge fight and she even said "I don't wanna be friends with you anymore." So I got kinda sad then I went to my crush which was tho only other person I would like to hang out with. So I told him everything and he said that he would beat her up and Monica ( the other girl that also didn't want to be my friend to even though the fight had nothing to do with her ) So did his cousin Andres because I guess he started to like me out of nowhere. Then I asked my crush why he was so mad at my bestie and Monica. And he kept on saying that it's because their so annoying and stuff like that but I didn't buy it. I kept on wondering why he didn't just say something about them earlier and bring it up out of nowhere. So the next day I asked him " Why do you wanna beat them up, but give my any answers except " because their annoying."." And then he said ( well at least I think I heard him say) " cause they were mean to you" just to make sure I asked him " What, was that I didn't really hear you" Then he said nothing really fast. Then the next year in 5th grade we are in different classes. ( which is the present ) So it's hard to see him now. I gave him another letter but by hand. I just put it in the drawing I was supposed to give him. He said no yet again but I'm not giving up, he just might like me but doesn't want to date me, " right???" My friends said i'm just to good for him. So how do I get him to like me??? Or how can I tell if he likes me.