For the last month, I've been getting migraines basically every single day. The last week has been ridiculous. I've woken up, gotten ready and then I get a beautiful migraine that tends to last from 3 hours-all day. I've gone to the doctors recently and they gave me some meds which did nothing (I've tried many different meds at different times but nothing seems to cut it). I went a few days ago again and they gave me more meds and an eye exam (which went fine). The meds worked for a day, and then they seemed to not work after that. This is becoming a big problem, considering my days are being wasted lying in bed until 5 in the afternoon. But school is starting in almost a week, and if this continues, I'm going to be missing a lot of school. Any suggestions on what to do, because I'm at a loss and feel like I've tried everything at this point.