How to console this author to make her feel good.this is an assignment of critical reading which is mind bobling

"Give me a tragedy, I need to learn life.'/ Give me a success when I miss living.

Lately, I have been trying to explore my real self. It's been a long time; I haven't listened to my heart. It's just the brain doing everything, meeting people, wishing them for cherishing, making purchasing choices and of course it's doing that living thing too for me.

What my prior social and educational experiences have taught me are of no benefit. He directs me and I perform as He says. Submission? Yeah, it may be... It is in fact surrender. Ah, what creepy breathing creatures we are. We ask for freedom and here we can't mess with our brains. Poor heart, she is not talking. Is she in coma or what? She doesn't respond to anything She doesn't like, love or gel excited and
He just hates. He knows nothing but two acts: order and abhorrence.

There used to be clashes between them but it's all silent here. No shouting, no rejection, no acceptance. Sometimes, I think she is dead but I am alive. Is it really possible? Can I live without my heart? Of course, she is siphoning that red liquid but is that enough to live? He is not good and is always harsh. He is making me alone. The people around are treating me as stranger or I should say an alien on this planet and are being xenophobic.

He thinks I make myself a tragedy because I am weak and wo-man. Is this wo part taken from woe? It . must be because He thinks it's always sad and miserable and poor women remain anguished till they are asleep. We both think. He does the labor more than I do. But, is 'only' thinking sufficient to 1-i-v-e life???
Descartes says, I think therefore I am but I say I don't feel therefore I am not. Can anybody understand the ache of not feeling things? I don't feel my lips curving upwards when I smile. I don't find the clothes soft, silky or rough. I cannot sympathize, I cannot feel happy. And what makes it worse is this inability to
remorse. I am not able to cry over my bad times, adversities, crimes and sins. I cannot cry to seek forgiveness.

Crying is weak and feeble yet it's peaceful and relieving. They get hurt because they feel. I only demand ;for I have brains."