Answers (2)
it might be a couple times a year unless the horse gets sick there are alot of sickness out there and taking your horse to the farrier would help in diagnosing whats wrong and keep your hose healthy sometimes they need shots thing about theses things it might cost about 300 or less most of the time its less so it just depends on what the horse needs are at the time
Whoever answered this before I think was thinking about a VET not a farrier. If you have a horse it would need a vet probably once a year to give Annual shots and for a coggins blood test and check up- possibly a teeth floating (file them down). There is always a chance of an emergency also.
Horses need their feet trimmed every 8 weeks in the Winter and every 6 weeks in the Summer since their feet grow faster then. THAT is when you need a farrier-someone who barefoot trims or puts shoes on a horse.
Personally I don't believe in shoes. I am a natural hoof trimmer. Trims normally cost between $30-$40 per trim. Hopefully your horse would not have issues with their feet. There are arguments that horses need shoes because their feet are bad but maybe their feet are bad BECAUSE of shoes. Horses in the wild don't need them. Having shoes on your horse are very expensive-about $100 or more very 8 weeks and if one falls off-which happens all the time- you are also dependent on a farrier to come out and put it back on- hence MORE money and more holes in their hooves to nail on the new one.
Good luck. I have horses and they are inexpensive since we have tons of pasture and they are the joy of my life.