I recently moved to London for a job I really wanted, it was working for a great company in quite a specialised industry, so when they offered me the job, I leapt at the chance. The only issue was that they had offered me a very small wage of £18k. This was partly my fault, I hadn't really expected to get the job and at the time was looking for a job of £20k+ up north and so told them this was what I was looking for. Not thinking about the added costs of living in London. I was disappointed with the wage, but felt like I couldn't turn the job down. A few weeks in and through general chatting with a colleague I found out they were on £14k more than me. She's doing the same job and was employed 6 months before me. She has a couple years more experience than me, but was out of the industry for a year before being hired by them. It seems like the company is trying to hire people on the lowest wage they can, depending on what they ask for. Is this legal? I understand she might be on slightly more if they feel she has more experience, but it's for the exact same job and she's nearly doubling my wage! I want to ask another colleague who has been here for just a couple months more than me whether they're paying him nearer to mine or her salary, and potentially contact HR? Is this a pointless move or not? It seems very unfair if everyone else is on £30k+ and I'm expected to live in London on under 20 when we all have the same role...