Responses (1)
magnetism is the best. theres like four things. magnitism, gravity, and two nuclear forces, strong and weak. magnetism is electric. its called the electro-magnetic force. theres positive protons and negitive electrons in different atoms that naturally attract to one another in an attempt to equivocate the imbalance between their positive and negative charges. so a compass will point north, because the north is a magnet. magnets can do anything. they make guitars and tape players and remote control cars and speed trains.
thats a good question. the south is the other side of the magnetism. whille the tip of the needle points toward the attractive side, it points away from the repulsive side. so, it attracts the butt of the needle while repelling the tip. electricity has the same effect. they say lightning comes from the clouds to the earth, but the energy actually comes from the ground and goes up to the clouds. its the exchange between positive and negative.
you told that "a compass will point north, because the north is a magnet".If so,what do you tell about south?