...protect their conduct? If there is any thing else about the Des Moines vs Tinker case you could tell me I would love that. The reason I am asking is that I'm doing a project with a group in school and I have to be one of the lawyers for the Tinker family and someone told me it didn't, but I don't believe them.
Answers (1)
Tinker v Des Moines was related to free speech. Students at Des Moines HS wore arm bands protesting the Vietnam war. THe school told them it was against dress code and suspended the students. They sued the school district for violation of their free speech.
They took it to supreme court and one under the basis that "students do not shed their constitutional rights upon entering school" Public schools cannot censor free speech. (1st amendment)
as far as the 14th amendment...that's due process I believe I don't really think tinker v des moines had anything to do with this case.
Hope this helped :)
correction: *won not one, sorry :)