How does man affect the effect the type of soil formed in a place?

Answers (1)

man effects the soul in many ways sadly mostly in bad ways back in older times life was more easyer and people are more in touch with the soul now in up to date times the soul is been left behind cuz people want playstatiens and porn so yea man effected the soul pretty bad by turning the cheek to god and being fooled by satan to give HIM the soul in return for expensive goods do you think your soul is still strong in you or did you look to the devil to enjoy the dark sides of life and not the plain but good sides of life with the reward to heaven when you die i feel sad if you have lost the soul in your body because you cannot get it back once it has been taken from satan maybe you had sex with too many women and not been married or maybe you even stole from a shop but maybe you can go to a preist to get forgive and then your're sins can be cleared and there are the other ways to get to heaven to turn you're life around more then you do now where you could care less about the goodness of others and only your sick perversions and evil mind so you are in the dark now but some day a angle can come down and save you if only you let her do that and you might get back something from god that will not be a soul that has gone forvere but you can still get to heaven so in conclushen yes man effect the soul over the years but sadly to say in a bad way peace and love to you

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i mean soil not soul please. thanks