We started hanging out earlier this summer. I tried to friend-zone her, but when we were sitting watching a movie one night. She's next to me and we're hanging out, and I could see thru my peripherals she turn her head and her face was like right there, and didn't move... so I caved.. and it's kinda wound me up here.
Responses (4)
You need to be honest without being mean-- tell her that you don't really have romantic feelings for her without using the words "needy", "obsessive", or any words similar that she could take offensively. Be quick- don't drag it out and make excuses. It'll be better for both of you.
Be very clear and to the point, but not too harsh. Maybe "I enjoy your company as a friend but i'm not interested in perusing a romantic relationship with you." none of the "im just not looking for a relationship right now" bullshit because if you do end up in one she'll be very hurt