How do you know when you have Ebola?

Answers (2)

At first, the symptoms are like a bad case of the flu: high fever, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, and weakness. They are followed quickly by vomiting, diarrhea, and internal and external bleeding, which can spread the virus. The kidneys and liver begin to fail.But don't worry Ebola is very hard to catch,

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Those are the basic symptoms, but don't say Ebola is very hard to contract [not catch, you don't catch a disease]. There are doctors who have contracted Ebola even when wearing full protective suits. Those people who say Ebola is difficult to contract are stupid. It's been reported that Ebola has mutated several times in South Africa.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, the chances of an American contracting the virus right now are not as high unless you're around someone who has recently traveled to South Africa. You should also avoid eating non-domesticated meat, AKA bush meat. The best way to eat game meat is by finding a farmer. There are people who farm Elk, Deer and other game animals, it can be pricy but it's the safest way.

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As Stark said Ebola is higly contagious but only AFTER symptons show, before that it is not contagious. Either way you, as a resident of a first world nation are incredibly unlikely to ever come into contact with the disease so you can sleep easy. You have a far greater risk of catching any number of other diseases many of which are contagious and often fatal usually because parents refuse to vaccinate their kids because 1 in 10 million have a "bad" reaction to the vaccine...

thanks cause I just had the flu a few weeks ago and I was throwing up blood but know I test negative for flu so im good now

yay! :)