How do you overcome the anxiety of being out in public and around people you don't know? Ever since I started going to school online, my social skills are like almost completely gone. When I go out in public, I feel nervous and feeling nervous then makes me feel like people can tell that I am nervous (which is true) and that makes me even more nervous. It kind of feels like I’m being judged (negatively) by EVERYBODY AROUND ME. I've been trying so hard to improve the way I socialize that now I'm starting to not even feel like myself anymore and I am just frustrated. Please help!
Responses (1)
You can get prescribed medication to help with that.
Perhaps speak to you doctor about it.
I had anxiety when I was younger. I did grow out of it though. I began to relies that
A) People can be just as scared of me as I was of them.
B) People are more helpful then you think. They know when someone is nervous and naturally adapt to make you feel more comfortable.
C) Just keep asking your self..."What's the worst that can happen?" I asked someone a question they will either answer it or if they want to be rude about it then fine...not like you ever have to speak or talk to them again.
Set your self little challenges. Go to a shop ask a member of staff where something is.
Ask a random in the street if they know the time or directions (Even if you already know the directions.)
Its all confidence building. Your soon relies not to be so paranoid. Trust me when I say the world is too busy dealing with their own crap to notice what your doing.
My first job was a receptionist and I was on my own most of the time. I had to adapt to be more confidant or id lose my job. "Simple"
You need to put your self in these kind of situations as much as you don't want to. Your thank your self for it one day.