Hospital states excellence. But I don't feel they give excellent care. Last time I went to hospital father with baby before me, then me. We were in waiting room. Then a couple came in they looked wealthy. They were asked more to this couple. They were asking what they should ask everyone. But the dad and baby and me but did not we didn't look wealthy. The rich man was asked about pain level he said 5 not bad. I said my level was 8 and I was very uncomfortable. But wealthy couple waited less then 2 minutes. We were their for 20mins but we were skipped over. They took couple back over a sick baby. I feel hospital is very wrong. Also when I was up at front desk the nurse taking my info kept asking same thing even though I told him. He keep interuping me to talk to other staff and even took personal call. I had to repeat myself and start again. In room I asked nurse to call my husband. She told me phone is on wall behind you. I said I'm in alot of pain and cant. Then she said here I will dial the # and you talk to him.