Example -
"9/23/16, 09:03 - Name A: aadfajlfdjsalfj fasdfasfjalkfjalj afjaljflajf asflajfljljieoeijfhoioij jowjroiwcsojcos wjorjoijsoavaosg

9/24/16, 12:05 - Name B: jgaojaegeioie ejgpoapsdfs;

askjflkj gkjklgja"

I want to merge data after the "9/23/16, 09:03 - Name A:" ********** till the other date mentioned here 9/24/16, 12:05 - Name B:

Dates should be always in a new line only..

Can anybody give a solution to my question as I have a huge data which is like the above example.