Yesterday I asked my fiance to come with me to visit my grandparents for the weekend. His response was that he just saw them recently and did not want to go. We saw my grandparents for a couple hours for Christmas which does not seem like much to me. Which is why I wanted to go spend some more time with them. Is it wrong of me to be upset that he does not to come? I spend a lot of time with his families but he does not spend much time mine. And when he does spend time with my family it is shortened or he complains about going. In addition, my fiance never wants to hang out with me and my friends. He also does not always include me when he spends time with his friends. I do not expect to be included everytime he hangs out with his friends, but he doesn't usually include me without me asking sometimes.

Another issue is my career. My fiance does not have a job and for the majority of the past five months just stays at home. In which I would hope him to help around the house more but he only does occassionally. He will sometimes help when I ask, but it is only when he feels like it. It is exhausting having to work and clean everyday with little help. My fiance also did not attend any of the basketball games I was coaching as another side job I was doing. Which I let go but was a little upset about.

Anyways, I have talked to him about these issues but he does not think he is doing anything wrong. He thinks that if he doesn't want to see my grandparetns then he shouldn't have to. And of course I will not make him do anything he does not want to, but i'm still upset. I also usually end up doing the cleaning since he can go weeks living in a mess. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.