I have a co-worker who is very unfriendly and snobby toward me. Whenever I say good morning to her, she ignores me. Many a times when we're on the elevator, she looks into mid-air or doodles on her cellphone when I clearly acknowledged her presence. This was evident one day when I was stocking the fridge (as part of my morning routines/responsibilities at work). When I noticed she was standing behind me (keep in mind that she didn't say 'excuse me," but simply waited for me to get out the way so she can get what she needs out of the fridge), I backed up a little to give her room, and said "good morning." She didn't respond. Then about ten seconds later, she was rummaging through one of the drawers and asked me, "Do we have any green tea?"

Well, one Monday morning when I went to my desk, I noticed that her first initial and last name was on the log-in screen on my computer. This has been happening every Monday morning. Naturally, I never questioned her about this, due to the fact that she basically treats me like a panhandler/as if I have cooties. So due to her unsettling demeanor, I never confronted her about this. But then eventually, she brought it to my attention. Apparently, one morning, she had forgotten to log off from my computer before going back to hers. So when I logged in under my name, I kicked her off. Therefore, she admitted that she's been using my computer and that she needs to log-off on it real quick. I was fine with that. So when we went to my desk, I let her do what she has to do, to which she said "thank you." Then I walked away. In the aftermath (and now), she's still her usual unfriendly self. In addition, it appears that she's using my computer more often than just the weekend, because now I see her name almost every weekday morning. It aggravates me that I'm being nice to her while she ignores me inbetween all this. What should I do? Also, I'm a little suspicious, because she has her own desk and computer. FYI - although we work for the same company, we don't work on the same floor. So why is she going out of my way to use mine, let alone use someone else's computer at all?