So I've just had my thirteenth birthday and realised that I need to start getting myself back on the right track but I'm not sure how.
All through my younger years I was good as gold until I reached High School. I got myself mixed up in the wrong crowd, by my 12-13 I was already on my final warning in school, was smoking weed, taking drugs (balloons/ gold bars ect.) ,wearing 10 tons of make up, skipping school, staying out all night, getting drunk on roundabouts, coming home at 12 at night and... You know what.

I don't know why I let myself think this sort of behaviour was acceptable but now I'm finding it hard to get back on the right track, to start focusing on my work, to even enter school without arguing with one person over calling me a slag.

As all the teachers know my work is poor non will have me in their classes, I spend my full day in isolation learning nothing and now I really want to start trying so my future won't end up like theirs.

Any solutions on how to get back on the right track?