Ok I'm 13 years old and in my freshmen year of high school and I have had a crush on this boy since I was 10. He already knew my brother so I knew him before I skipped a grade but I think most people still view me as "Josh's little sister". I really like him and we talk almost every day but I know he doesn't feel the same way about me. He plays football and everyone loves him because he's funny and nice but my friends are few and far between and I am frankly, not very popular. Most people talk to me though and try to get me to join in on their activities but I have a strict mom. I have never been into sports but I do get really good grades. He and I share quite a few interests but he and I are just casual friends. I always let him copy my French homework and help him with our science labs. Sometimes it seems like he'll be looking at me but whenever I move my head ever so slightly, he looks away. What I want to know is how to get him to notice me more than just a friend. Any tips?