I have a youth who is of a ATSI culture who has just been released from jail into a residential service Wing who absconded out of his window. I found him choming (inhales substances to get high) from the work vehicle. He is compliant but asks me to not call police, his tells me all his friends back home do this and he feels better and accepted there, I tell him he may be better having an indigenous case worker assigned to him as his worker who may be able to better understand his situation and cultural background.

a. Reflect on any social and cultural perspectives that may reflect the service provided to Brad. What strategies can be used to overcome these perspectives and biases?

b. Reflect on limitations in ones self-awareness and social awareness may impact on the service provided to Brad? How could working with these limitations ensure Brad receives the service he needs??

c. What positive actions would one take to engage with Brad?

2. What advantage could an indigenous caseworker have in working with Brad?