I took an online test that scored me at 93, 14 points below the British average, I believe. It's true that the test is likely inaccurate as I took it online in an uncontrolled environment with distractions and it only asked a limited amount of questions. As for the questions themselves, well, I asked a friend who has taken two IQ tests with professional psychologists, she scared in the top 0.2%, and she has vouched for them -this is what is on an actual test. Although it is not totally accurate, it is indisputably an indication.

I ask this question because I do not know how to deal with this reality. I feel that my life, my perception of the world and of my self have all been altered by this. Everything I thought I knew has been contradicted by a two digit number. I never thought I was above average, but below? I spend my time reading and thinking, it's what I felt my life's purpose was. Now that has been stripped from me because my intellect prohibits me from indulging in them, I can't even call myself an amateur in these things.
I don't know where to go from here, and the worst part is that I can't talk to anyone in real life about it because I don't want my friends to know I'm stupid. They respect me for being somewhat intelligent, I am no longer entitled to that.
My dreams are all dead, a stupid man can't do the things I dreamed of- and I am stupid.
I know it's true because it makes sense now why I can't deal with my life.
A there a therapy or a dumb-person's club where I can go to meet people who understand my plight.
This news has made my depression resurface, prior I was recovering. I need help, asap!