I know this may sound like I am just looking for attention (I've heard that one a lot) or that I'm being ridiculous but I'm having a really hard time dealing with my height and my looks.

I am 27 years old and 4'10". People never take me seriously and its frustrating. There have been numerous times I've been out and people have thought I was a teenager and treated me differently. I'm also not very attractive which doesn't make people want to listen to you either. I can't go anywhere with my parents without people assuming I'm just a teenager whose tagging along, when in fact we are shopping for things for my house THAT I OWN!!! I know I've been overlooked for jobs due to my looks and its frustrating. I'm afraid to go out and do the things I want to do in life because of it. Don't get my wrong I mean I have a loving boyfriend who swears I look beautiful and doesn't mind my height at all, but again, he has no way of knowing what its like being me. I know I can't be the only person in this whole world who feels like this but it does feel hopeless. I don't know when this started really effecting my this way or why its getting worse but I can't seem to deal with it anymore without being aggressive towards those ignorant people which I don't want to resort to.

I know plenty of women who are as short as I am or at least close to my height and they are all taken seriously. I'm sure part of that is because they are mothers and people tend to not give you any credit unless you have kids for some reason but I just want to get to that point where I can be confident with who I am and how I look.

So if you've read this far then first of all, Thank you for listening to me. Second of all I could use some advice or even encouragement or to hear that I am not alone here. Anything but negativity would be greatly appreciated.