...I really like the crop top style, and I've been working out do I can finally have abs so I can wear a crop top, and now I do have them. My mom said it was fine with her, but my dad would have a literal heart attack. Which he would. I'm 14 and my dad still makes my bed time 8:00, and I'm not allowed to have a phone till grade ten. I'm not even allowed to swear at all cause of him. Not even crud. I don't wear short shorts, mainly cause I don't like them, but I'm also not allowed that. I love my dad very much, but I don't think he'll understand that I'm not doing this for attention or boys or anything like that, I'm just proud of myself for achieving something and being happy with myself. I'd feel comfortable in it. And I'm not a bad kid, so he doesn't have any reason to distrust me or my actions. So would anybody know how to ask permission?